Dead Seal Pups washing up on the Plett Beaches

Pupping season begins in December and the seal pups spend the first 4 – 6 months living among the rocks and boulders at Robberg Nature Reserve, depending on their mothers for care. They face a harsh fate when there are rough sea conditions and large waves break on the rocks at Robberg Nature Reserve as they are not born with insulating fat and cannot swim. If they are washed off the rocks during this time there is little chance of survival and they end up dying and either floating out to sea or washing up on the beaches.

Waves smashing up against the rocks at Robberg Nature Reserve as a result of the big swell.

The pups form groups, playing among the rocks while waiting for the females to return. This is when the pups are at risk of getting swept away by huge swells and drown.

A few weeks ago there was a big swell resulting in large waves breaking up against the rocks at Robberg and there were reports of over 200 dead pups washing up on the Plett beaches. The municipality co-ordinated a clean up operation before the start of the summer holiday season.