“Must Watch” Video of Encounters with Stingrays

News Article
21 October 2019

We have been spoilt by the beautiful rays we have been seeing in Plettenberg Bay.

There are a big variety of amazing rays that can be seen at Blinders Reef in particular . They are often found lying partially submerged under the sand and are very well camouflaged.  They are not aggressive and it is a beautiful site to see them gliding through the water.

On Thursday, 12 September our divers had an incredible encounter with a school of 15-20 Duckbill Ray’s.  This kind of Bull Ray is quite rare as they are usually found in coastal tropical and warm water and only occasionally off shore. They usually have seven rows of flat teeth and feed on bottom-living crustaceans and mollusks. The divers were amazed by this sighting and to top it all off, one of the divers was doing his first sea dive as part of his one day Discover Scuba Diving Course!